Hammond Mill Bible Camp Association

The Hammond Mill Bible Camp Association exists to ensure organizational accountability, providing oversight for board members and the implementation and revision of bylaws. The Association is open to individuals aged 18 and older who share our Christian faith and meet one or more of the following criteria:

Former campers

Parents of campers

Cabin leaders or camp directors

Individuals passionate about Christian youth activities who desire to support and work with Hammond Mill Bible Camp

Each fall, the Association gathers for an Annual Meeting held at the Hammond Mill Campgrounds. The date is determined by the Board and announced at least 10 days in advance. During this meeting, new board members are elected, a review of the year's camps is presented, and important organizational matters are addressed.

Through the Association, we foster a shared commitment to advancing the mission of Hammond Mill Bible Camp: creating a Christ-centered environment where children and youth can encounter the Gospel and grow in their faith.

Sign up to be an association member today.